Volume 39, Issue 54 (4-2024)                   2024, 39(54): 33-40 | Back to browse issues page

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Modarres M, Tahmasebipour M. Design a Method for Reverse Engineering in the Pump Industry. Journal of Pump 2024; 39 (54) : 3
URL: http://journal.pumpiran.com/article-1-89-en.html
Abstract:   (723 Views)
Reverse engineering is a conscious method for obtaining technical information from an existing product. This method is dissimilar to the direct design process. It means product production based on the existing product according to the customer's needs. Developing countries need a method to fill the technological gap between these countries and advanced countries in order to obtain complex technologies. Among the different methods of accessing technology, reverse engineering is the most suitable method. In this article, a model is presented for doing the reverse engineering process with thirteen steps in the pump industry. The thirteen steps include economic-operational analysis, information gathering, information evaluation, initial testing and inspection, disassembly, technical information requirements, reverse engineering management, hardware & software analysis, preparation of technical drawings, instructions of quality control, re-examining the production process from the economic point of view, making samples and finalizing the production documentation. The presented model can be used as an optimal method that reduces the cost and time of the reverse engineering process. In the end, the boiler feed water pump was designed and built with the help of reverse engineering and using the mentioned thirteen steps.
Article number: 3
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